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by the light of

"by the light of"的翻译和解释


  • By the light of the wretched and wavering lamp , of which we have spoken , dant s saw the old man , pale , but yet erect , clinging to the bedstead
  • She came to a royal garden , and by the light of the moon she saw that inside there were trees full of beautiful fruit
  • By the light of the sparks in the tinderbox bolhovitinov had a glimpse of shtcherbinins youthful face , and in a corner another man asleep
  • When i think of this end of my moments , the barrier of the moments breaks and i see by the light of death thy world with its careless treasures
  • " give it me , " said andrea , and he read by the light of his carriage - lamp , - " you know where i live ; i expect you tomorrow morning at nine o clock .
    “给我, ”安德烈说。于是他借着车灯的光拆开了那封信: “你知道我住的地方。明天早晨九点钟,我等你来。 ”
  • I put on my clothes by the light of a half - moon just setting , whose rays streaming through the narrow window near my crib
    如果译成: “我借着光线打我小床旁边窄窄的窗户射进来的正在下沉的半个月亮的光穿上了衣服”意思不错,但读起来佶屈聱牙,就只能算个半成品。
  • He sat within earshot , milking the cows by the light of a lantern , which i seized unceremoniously , and , calling out that i would send it back on the morrow , rushed to the nearest postern
  • [ bbe ] the lord says , from those of your family i will send evil against you , and before your very eyes i will take your wives and give them to your neighbour , and he will take your wives to his bed by the light of this sun
  • Awakened in the night by the light of the flames , she sprang out of bed , wrapped herself in a dressing - gown , and attempted to escape by the door , but the corridor by which she hoped to fly was already a prey to the flames
  • The carriage stopped , the officer descended , approached the guardhouse , a dozen soldiers came out and formed themselves in order ; dant s saw the reflection of their muskets by the light of the lamps on the quay
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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